Shutesville Hill Wildlife Corridor

Shutesville Ledges
Project Description: In January 2024, Stowe Land Trust purchased 86 acres in the heart of the corridor. Stowe Land Trust owns the forest and will manage it for ecological health, wildlife habitat, forest products, and dispersed recreational access.
Public Access: Yes, dispersed only. Click here for details.

Smeltzer Forest
Project Description: Eric and Dale Smeltzer donated a conservation easement on their 287 acres that abut Mt. Mansfield State Forest. This property is host to several headwater streams and wetlands.
Public Access: None
Lackey Forest
Project Description: The 10-acre Lackey parcel is one of the few remaining undeveloped parcels with frontage on highly traveled and fast developing Route 100 and was sold to The Nature Conservancy for under appraised value.
Public Access: None

Curtis-Swenson Forest
Project Description: Chris Curtis and Tari Swenson conserved 63 centrally located acres in the corridor, ensuring the land will remain undeveloped and continue to have visitors like the mother bear and her two cubs that were spotted on a recent visit. They also sold a conservation easement on their land far below appraised value.
Public Access: None

Berry Forest
Project Description: Stowe Land Trust and the Trust for Public Land completed the Hunger Mountain Headwaters project in late 2019. This project conserved a 109-acre property nestled up against the Worcester Range in the corridor, and an additional 1800 acres on the other side of the mountains in Middlesex and Worcester. Both of these properties will be added to the adjacent C.C. Putnam State Forest, and will add quality forested habitat on the eastern edge of the wildlife corridor.
Public Access: Berry Forest is open to the public and contains an informal trail network. Visit the Hunger Mountain Headwaters page for more information.

Blauvelt Forest
Project Description: In June 2020, Whitney Blauvelt sold a conservation easement on his 111 acre property in Waterbury significantly below it's appraised value. Whit's forested property abuts Rt. 100 on one side and SLT conserved land on the other and is a crucial link for wildlife.
Public Access: An informal network of trails exists on the property and is open to neighborhood access. There is no parking and no trailhead.